Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mixed Feelings

Last Sunday, I just went to visit my daddy at Kajang..He become thinner already compare to last time..I feels upset about this, really hope he can take good care of himself, as me and mummy cannot stay beside him to take care him..Love You daddy, muackz...

Smile so happily XP

Give me more time plz...

Suddenly got a lot of things keep on appear in my mind....What is my goals of my life? What are am I going to do by tomorrow? I want to move forward, don't want to stick at the same place...
My lecturer was right, pressures indeed give pleasure at the end..This was from her own past experiences..There are still many things in this world we need to learn, therefore, no more procrastinate, time is so precious & important....Tomorrow I am going to work at Halo Cafe already, hopefully I can manage my time well, hopefully it would not affect my study, hopefully it would not affect my health...God Bless * Winks*

GAMBATE nei Elaine!!!

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